Δευτέρα 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

John Ylvisaker - Who Cares For The City


John Carl Ylvisaker is perhaps best known for his song, “I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry”.   He was born in Moorhead, Minnesota and was a graduate of Concordia College located there. For more than 50 years John’s words and music have been a powerful influence on the development of new worship materials for the church, with his compositions appearing in hundreds of worship resources.  He is renowned for his paraphrase of biblical text and theological astuteness, as well as his ability to recognize or write tunes people in the pew can readily sing.

WHO CARES FOR THE CITY? John Ylvisaker, from Cool Livin’ I came to the city Big time in the city Who cares for the city? The city that caught me The city that taught me To hide from the hope of the world CHORUS Who cares for the city? It seems such a pity That the city ain’t nothin’ But a place to be shut in And hide from the eyes of the world I live in the city No friend in the city Who cares for the city? The city ain’t nothin’ But a place to be shut in And hide from the Light of the World Chorus I’ll die in the city No hope in the city Who cares for the city? The city will bury The life that I carry As I hide from the life of the world Chorus (Instrumental break) Will I rise from the city? Born free in the city? Who cares for the city? I now sing this song for The freedom I long for To live for the life of the world

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 Γεννήθηκε στην Τρίπολη το 1949 και έζησε εκεί μέχρι 10 χρονών. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Το 1959 ήρθε στην Αθήνα και άρχισε μαθήματα κιθάρας από το ...